Worldwide Network
Question: I do not have money to cover medical expenses, while I am told to pay up. What am I supposed to do?
Answer: Taking into consideration the legislation, you may not be forced to stay at hospital after discharge. You may ask them to send original copies of any outstanding bills and a discharge summary to your home address or give them out to you or forward them to your underwriter for further payment. However, such situations are rather uncommon in reality.
Direct-Settlement Expansion in Russia, Eastern European and Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) countries
We are pleased to announce the addition of 201 new providers in Eastern European and Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) countries.
Our network in this region , which now includes 1 579 health care providers, will give our members additional options with cashless medical services.
In addition, AP’s network will offer access to an additional 58 health care providers in Bosnia, Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia, Kosovo and Kazakhstan.